19 July 2008

++ i've bEen taggEd by Boo cUte!!


The rules of the game get posted at the beginning. Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they've been tagged. Let the person who tagged you know when you've posted your answer...

So now, on to the questions...

1) What were you doing 5 years ago?
: owh.. on that time my umur br aje menjangkau 17 tahun.. hehe.. konon2 sweet 17 la ni.. comey sangat2 mase tu.. hukhuk.. kenbang hidung aku.. segan plak kat adik iparku cayang(cik boo yg cute).. mase tu tengah survive nak amik SPM.. mase di habiskan dengan kelas aje.. sambil2 berkasihan dengan ex-steadybOy.. hee.. best sangat mase tu coz ramai member dan itulah juga zaman kegemilangan aku.. glamer jugak la kat skolah.. sebut aje nama aku, pasti semua org knal.. maklumlah student yang hyperactive.. huu.. =)

2) What are 5 things on your to-do list for today?
- xleh nak shopping lagi coz PTPTN x masuk lg.. hehe.. sabar2!

- bangun pagi2 lagi coz nak pergi KL Sentral.. ( cari tiket balik kampung! )

- merayau kat KL Sentral sorang2 :: white booth area.. hehe..

- beli selendang PaShMina kaler hijau.. puas hati!! hee..

- hantar baju2 BUCUK kat dobi.. bukan malas, tp kakak iparmu ini x sempat nak basuh.. =)

3) What are 5 snacks you enjoy?
- cadbury choc bar.. wajib every week.. hehe..

- gardenia sandwich yg inti jagung.. woaaa beshnye!

- pizza hut bole.. lama x makan pizza, boo, blanjew laaa.. =)

- maggi bole x? maggi pon sedap jugek..

- kalau rajin, aku amik vegetable snack.. tambah zat.. =)

4) What are five things you would do if you were a billionaire?
- bagi kat mama n abah banyak2.. sbb aku tau duit juga boleh membahagiakan seseorang sebab aku xdapat nak balas jasa mereka walaupun aku berusaha sepanjang hidup..

- aku nak buat rumah untuk adik2 aku yg aku sayang..

- nak bagi kat orang2 susah moga mereka dapat hidup dengan tenang n senang..

- kalau Allah izin, nak buat umrah n haji banyak kali.. nak dapat petunjuk selalu dari DIA..

- nak shopping sampai puas hati.. juga mahu travel outside of Malaysia.. =)

5) What are five jobs you've had?
- as a children of my parents..

- a full time student..

- full time eater..

- make somebody smile.. bole ke? hikhik..

- same mcm cik boo, aku nak jadi sukarelawan.. hehe.. =)

Now to tag...
- liyana
- sis ann
- adrina
- sis lynna
- sis nadia hanum

@herneesa.hijabs coming near you sooner!

Assalam. @herneesa.hijabs @herneesa.hijabs - Letak nama pun macam klise-kan. Ye lah biasalah. Lagu tu la kalau nak meniaga. Nak bertaarufan ...