27 July 2008

.. otak saya dah bergeliga di pagi hari! ;D

.. i've been tagged by DATO' GELIGA ;D

1) What is the most important thing in your life?

- my family
- buah hati pengarang jantung pisang.. ;p
- good job..
- keberkatan dari Allah swt..
- rezeki halal dari Allah swt..
- kawan-kawan dulu dan kini..

2) What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?
- cincin perak.. emas xmampu kot.. huhu
- topup.. =)
- yang lain2 tu, dia pinjaman.. haha!

3) Where do you wish to get married?
- kat mane2 aje.. x kisah pun.. asalkan berjalan dengan lancar..
- pastikan masih di bumi Allah.. ye x?

4) How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?
- kalau di telitikan keadaan sekarang, mungkin masa umur 23 kot.. insyaAllah..

5) Are you in love?
- hehe.. saje je dato g ni.. erm.. so far so good.. yerp! i am in LOVE with a boy.. doakan ye.. dia cinta ke 2 saya.. baru aje kami kenal.. =)

6) Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
- masa kat kampung dulu.. New Horizon Garden Rest.. ala2 cam rest house la.. hehe..

7) Name the latest book that you bought?
- PURCHASING :: selection n procurement for the hospitality industry.. huhu.. biasa la jadik student ni kan? buku pun hundred n above! fuhhh....

8) What is your full name?
- x aci.. dato g x jawab.. dia kedekut nama..
- nama penuh saya adalah ::
- zatul hernani bt mohd nawi
- okay?

9) Do you prefer your mother or father?
- i prefer my luvly mother.. muah! cyg mama.. abah pun saya syg jgk.. both of them laa..

10) Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time.
- Nabi2 especially Nabi muhammad.. duk asyik dgr kisah aje.. kalau d izinkan, nak jugak tgk baginda real life.. =)
- same answer ngn dato.. hehe

11) Christina or Britney?
- X SUKA dua2! perangai x senonoh.. huhu.. =)

12) Do you do your own laundry?
- biasanya basuh sendiri.. tp kalau the whole week busy, laundry la tempatnya.. hehe

13) The most exciting place you want to go?
- taman tema
- tempat yang hening..
- x terlalu sibuk..
- dato g nk g makkah, insyaAllah 1 day, ada rezeki lebih, nani akan pergi sana..

14) Hugs or kisses?
- dua2 pun oleh.. opss! for female n muhrim only..

15) Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you.
1. nama dia dato geliga..
2. nama penuh dia x tau.. dia kedekut nama.. hehe
3. dah kawen ngn perempuan yang comel..
4. have own baby.. xsure baby boy or girl.. rsnya girl (kalau salah jgn marah,hehe)
5. balajar kat oversea.. pulang nnt, blanje nani makan nasi arab tau! hehehe

16) 8 things I am passionate about:
1. maha pencipta..
2. my self
3. my family
5. my love

5. persons surrounding me..
6. duit n duit.. hehe
7. handphone..
8. kawan-kawan..

17) 8 things I say too often:
1. owh ye ke?
2. okay
3. entah laa..
4. x tahu la pulak..
5. erm..
6. allahu akbar
7. laaa..
8. ok jom!

18) 8 books I’ve read recently:
1. dara mag
2. rapi mag
3. pesona pengantin
4. 99 herba (pinjam dari sis chemp)
5. professional baking :: untuk cik bOo..
6. koleksi hantaran ratu sehari :: ntah apa motif p baca buku ni.. hehe
7. traverama
8. saji/rasa

19) 8 songs I could listen to over and over again:
1 . sempurna :: andra n backbone band
2. sampai menutup mata :: acha septriasa
3. berdiri seorang perindu :: ibnor riza
4 . kau yang satu :: WOW
5. pelangi petang :: sudirman
6. aku dan duniaku :: sudirman
7. semoga abadi :: misha omar
8. aku lebih tahu :: mila

20) 8 things I learned last year:
1. to love my parents very much..
2. to make somebody happy..
3. to discipline myself..
4. to calm an angry person.. ermm.. payah la jgk!
5. relax n be patient..
6. happy always.. senyum2 selalu!
7. berjimat! tamau dah boros2.. hehe
8. bersyukur kepada Allah atas semua nikmatNya..

21) nak tag sape yee?
- insyaAllah nnt sy tag ye..

@herneesa.hijabs coming near you sooner!

Assalam. @herneesa.hijabs @herneesa.hijabs - Letak nama pun macam klise-kan. Ye lah biasalah. Lagu tu la kalau nak meniaga. Nak bertaarufan ...